A Journey to the Centre of the Earth

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Tanıtım Yazısı
“There was a reason, and it may be regarded as a good one, why my uncle objected to display his learning more than was absolutely necessary: he stammered; and when intent upon explaining the phenomena of the heavens, was apt to find himself at fault, and allude in such a vague way to sun, moon, and stars that few were able to comprehend his meaning. To tell the honest truth, when the right word would not come, it was generally replaced by a very powerful adjective. In connection with the sciences there are many almost unpronounceable names--names very much resembling those of Welsh villages; and my uncle being very fond of using them, his habit of stammering was not thereby improved. In fact, there were periods in his discourse when he would finally give up and swallow his discomfiture--in a glass of water.”
Tür: Roman
Yayınevi: Platanus Publishing
ISBN: 9786257058483
Sayfa: 342s.
Kapak: Ciltsiz
Tarih: 2020
Kağıt Tipi: 2. Hamur
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